This is the autobiographical story of a mother and a stripper who, despite society’s prejudices and adversity, leaves behind a dispirited past in her native Czech Republic to find happiness and freedom. Her journey takes her to Mexico to find her ideal job singing in the beautiful coastal resorts. From there she travels to the land of opportunity in the USA and finds her dream man. But her dream turns to nightmare as she encounters evil personified, a devil who not only takes away all her hopes and plans, but also the center of her life and leaves a gigantic hole in her family puzzle. She only ever wanted what any woman wants out of life – work that she enjoys, a world with a pinch of understanding, a loving family, and a husband worthy of respect. Just when she thought she thinks she has fulfilled her wishes in the promised land of America, its veil of freedom turns its true face and spits on her with a foul breath. This is not just the story of another stripper, it is the story of a woman fighting for the sacred right to be a mother that the most developed country in the world has decided to deny her.
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